Friday, February 20, 2009

Newbie blogger

Yes, yes. I have finally decided to silence some who have been pushing me to do up a blog. So here goes, my first post. Well, of course one must be thinking that I was forced into this but here's the scoop. People use blogs for a large variety of reasons and for some, excuses but in a nutshell, most would turn to blogs to express their feelings(sometimes their innermost whims) or to storytell occasionally(and audaciously) the grisly tales of their lives. Others would use it as a platform to voice out their opinions on certain affairs in their daily experiences, or maybe for the more well-read sort, touching current affairs at their most sensitive. Some academicians even have blithely disregarded and criticised blogs as simply a form of narcissistic exhibitionism, especially when one makes it a daily obligation to head back home, sink into a comfy computer chair and begin chronicling their day away into the dark hour. But let's not get derailed, and arrive to a good reason as to why I should blog? To be frank,after much thought, I still don't see any reason. Well, let me sum up my first blog entry. Perhaps, after a few entries, I might just see the light in blogging.It's late.I'll sign off now.Hopefully, I'll have something to talk about!! Ciaos for now.

PS:okay, fine. Not a good entry but you can't blame me. This is my first one. LOL.

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