Saturday, February 21, 2009

Squeamish Rendezvous

Its tactile antenna whacked the vast vicinity that loomed before it, taking in the scent of anything decent enough to be devoured. The air carried the smell of home made curry but that was not part of it voracious appetite. Its obsidian eyes probed the ceramic grounds for any sign of danger. The coast was clear and it made its precarious move, foraging any crevice for its prey. Nothing. Just as it swallowed its dissapointment, a taunting vibration on the terra firma it had its hairy limbs on, stopped it in its tracks. With the tremulous sensitivity of a barracuda, it scanned it surroundings. A gargantuan silhouette blinded its vision as its eyes failed to adjust to the blustery blackness that blanketed its sight. Nearly paralysed and visually debilitated, it skittled amok verging on desperation as it struggled to regain its senses amidst all the confusion and panic...Death seemed like an inevitable reality...

I groped the voluminous darkness for a switch. With a click, the kitchen was lit with a welcoming blast of light as it revealed the interior of the kitchen.
Hmm, someone had just changed the lights. Finally, I thought. My eyes caught the erratic movement of little brown object. Squinting to get a better view of it, I focused. A wave of disgust surged from my spine and it radiated outwards upon the realisation of the most reviled creature on earth as it eccentrically made little concentric rounds on the tiled kitchen floor. I yelled in fear as it darted toward my biggest toe and I spontaneously made a leapt to dodge its hairy feelers. It was that moment when time and space froze that the startling realisation that I may just be the one to silence this creature, shook my moral obstuseness. What wrong has it done to me? It was just there at the wrong place, the wrong time. It didn't cause me any trouble(though its appaling presence did scare the living daylights out of me for a while). A slight sense of guilt moved in to take the place of the diminishing fear as my legs straightened out to cushion my landing. A sickening squishy feel radiated centrally from the ball of my right foot, cool but foul in its wake. I knew it. I've pulverised it beyond repair. "Urgh", I exclaimed as retracted my feet to reveal the murder scene at its most gory. Its sticky entrails adhered obstinately to the sole of my feet. Fear was no longer an issue. It was dead, for sure. The guilt at having robbed a creature of its life and the disgust at having it remains stuck to my foot tormented me as I failed to stifle a grimace whilst making my journey to the toilet to wash off the icy greenish goo. From afar, I stared silently that the dead and deprecated insect. "Poor cockroach. I didn't mean it. I really didn't",I pacified my heart trying to ease myself into a state of catatonia, but to no avail. As if attending the funeral of that someone I never got to know, I expiated my sin, yanking a sheet of tissue paper and wiping the mess clean. Pinching the soiled tissue, I rushed to the window and discarded any evidence of the murder. No, not exactly a good way to do it but hey, how else do you honour an insect that made you jump like a pussy!?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Newbie blogger

Yes, yes. I have finally decided to silence some who have been pushing me to do up a blog. So here goes, my first post. Well, of course one must be thinking that I was forced into this but here's the scoop. People use blogs for a large variety of reasons and for some, excuses but in a nutshell, most would turn to blogs to express their feelings(sometimes their innermost whims) or to storytell occasionally(and audaciously) the grisly tales of their lives. Others would use it as a platform to voice out their opinions on certain affairs in their daily experiences, or maybe for the more well-read sort, touching current affairs at their most sensitive. Some academicians even have blithely disregarded and criticised blogs as simply a form of narcissistic exhibitionism, especially when one makes it a daily obligation to head back home, sink into a comfy computer chair and begin chronicling their day away into the dark hour. But let's not get derailed, and arrive to a good reason as to why I should blog? To be frank,after much thought, I still don't see any reason. Well, let me sum up my first blog entry. Perhaps, after a few entries, I might just see the light in blogging.It's late.I'll sign off now.Hopefully, I'll have something to talk about!! Ciaos for now.

PS:okay, fine. Not a good entry but you can't blame me. This is my first one. LOL.